United Pacific Industries Has Adopted Bedford C6 Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Solution to Enhance its China-Hong Hong Operations Link for its Manufacturing Subsidiaries

United Pacific Industries Has Adopted Bedford C6 Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Solution to Enhance its China-Hong Hong Operations Link for its Manufacturing Subsidiaries


United Pacific Industries Limited (UPI) is a diversified holding company with manufacturing subsidiaries operating in the People’s Republic of China and regional sales offices in Japan and the USA. The Groupemploys about 3,000 people and has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 1994 (Code 0176). There are two main manufacturing companies in United Pacific Industries: Pantene Industrial Co. Limited One of the largest and most established producer of voltage converters in Asia. Pin Xin International Limited – A producer of nickel-cadmium (“NiCd”) and nickel-metal hydride (“NiMH”) rechargeable batteries and chargers which serves the telecommunications industry and the consumer market. As the improvement of internal resources management so as to optimize growth is UPI’s company strategy, they have shifted their production lines to Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanghai respectively. Among those ERP solutions in the market, UPI has finally chosen C6 Enterprise Resources Planning software as the most important tool for its China-Hong Kong operations.


Bedford C6 Enterprise Resources Planning Solution

Shifting the production plants to Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanghai while extending the sales, marketing and back-up engineering supports coverage in Hong Kong (covering Europe Union and whole Asia Pacific), Chicago (covering the USA) and Tokyo (covering Japan and Korea), the main challenge UPI faces is to ensure full intra-company information sharing regardless factories and offices are geographically spread.
Furthermore, Hong Kong headquarters could effectively supervise operations of front offices and factories remotely. Leverage Bedford C6 ERP solution, UPI business activities (from manufacturing process in production plants up to trading and even accounting function in front offices) are computerized and fully integrated as the personnel are working on a centralized database. The frontline staff in sales offices could easily check the real time factory order delivery status before updating to their customers. On the other hand, the factory manager could immediately report the latest production capacity. The management in Hong Kong headquarters could visualize the real time company operations in terms of cash flow, account receivables and payables, production plant capacity, sales office performance and etc.


“Bedford ERP solution enhances our China-Hong Kong Operations Link.” – Pantene Industrial (United Pacific Industrial

About United Pacific Industries Limited – a listed diversified holding company in Hong Kong with substantial interests in the electronics and battery
products industries. Website: UPI www.upi.com.hk; Pantene www.pantene.com.hk; Pin Xi www.upi.com.hk/px.

About Bedford Technologies Limited – Provides Human Resources Management System (HRMS), Point-of-Sale (POS) and Enterprises Resources
Planning (ERP) solutions especially for small-to-medium size enterprises in both Hong Kong and Mainland China.